Nick Sagar

Nick Sagar, a British actor from London, resides in Los Angeles. He has starred in “Queen of the South,” “The Princess Switch,” “The Haves and the Have Nots,” and is currently appearing as Anderson Louis in the new TV show featured on Starz, “Run the World.”  A talented and diverse actor, Nick has a passion for martial arts.


What influenced you to get into acting? 
I just love performing. I’m a huge movie and TV buff, as is everyone in my family. Growing up we would always watch movies in the evening. I love movie magic and the power it has to transport you to another world. Art is magic! I had to be a part of it.

You’re originally from London. What is it like transitioning to living in L.A.? Which place do you prefer?
It was an easy transition for me. I love the sunshine and California lifestyle. It was a no brainer, lol.  I love both London and LA for different reasons. London will always be home. I’m so thankful for my upbringing, the culture and British humor are a big part of me. LA, on the other hand, is always special to me. Sunshine, beaches, palm trees the ocean and mountains. I love sports and being outdoors, and LA has all of that.

You often showcase your love for Martial Arts. Have you used this skill in filming any TV shows or movies?
I’ve been waiting patiently for so long to showcase some of the stuff I’ve learned. I’ve always been a fan of martial arts and have been studying a few different styles for more than 10 years now. I got to do a little in Shadow Hunters but that was mostly getting beaten up. Which was still a blast! Hopefully, the future holds some roles where I can really showcase what I can do.


If you weren’t acting, what career would you be pursuing?
That’s a good question. I think it would be doing something in medicine or sports. I wanted to be a doctor growing up. My older brother has Sickle Cell Anemia. Watching him suffer growing up was tough. I always wanted to help somehow. Medicine didn’t work out for me but I’m still passionate about bringing awareness to the condition. My older brother is one of my biggest inspirations. 

When getting into character for a role, what is your usual ritual?
I like to read the script a few times and really get lost in the world of the story. After that, I begin to break down my character. I’m a huge fan of imagination and creating the world inside my head. Once I’ve done that I play around to create the character. Sometimes I’ll use personal experience to relate to situations and choices, but ultimately imagination is what I love.

You star as Charles Frederickson in Tyler Perry’s soap opera, The Haves and the Have Nots. How do you like your role and acting in such a thrilling and dramatic show? Is drama your favorite genre to act in?
I love playing Charles. That’s such a special family Tyler has going over there. I was so grateful to be a part of it. It is always fun when I bump into people who love the show and they say, "Hey Mr. President!”, lol. Never gets old! I love all genres of TV and film. I want to do as many projects as I can in both formats.

The new series that you star in, Run the World, is about the lives of four black women living in Harlem. This perspective has not been seen very often in media up until now, what positive impact do you think this show will make?
Accurate representation matters. I think the show is going to resonate with so many people. We live this life and have been, and it’s about time we see it portrayed in all its glory. Long may it continue.


Between your roles on Princess Switch, The Haves and the Have Nots, and Run the World, which character did you relate to the most, and who was the most fun to play?
A piece of me relates to all of them. I had so much fun playing them all. I don’t think I could pick one. The power of Charles, the suave of Anderson, and the goofball that is Kevin. I’m just grateful to have had these opportunities.

Are you working on any new and upcoming projects you can share with us?
Princess Switch 3 is coming this coming Thanksgiving and I’m really looking forward to that. We have such a great team there. After three movies, the cast becomes more like family. More switch shenanigans on the way. 

You seem to be very motivational and interested in making the world a better place. In what ways are you making a difference? How has your acting career contributed to this? 
I am very much so. I love life. I’ve been fortunate to grow up in a family that was surrounded by love and laughter. We had our fair share of ups and downs like every family. Those times taught me the power of love, laughter, belief, and motivation. I want to use my platform for those things. To inspire, to create, to encourage, and to entertain. I honestly believe if we all strive to be the best versions of ourselves we can make this world a better place . It starts with every single one of us. We’re one family under the sun. Let’s create a magical place for everyone .

If you could star in your dream role with your dream co-star, who and what would it be?
I got a few ha! I’d love to do something with Jackie Chan. Maybe something Rush Hour style . He’s a huge inspiration of mine. Denzel Washington would be another one! Putting the vibes out there .

Can you link us with your social media?


Creative Director, Photographer & Producer: Mike Ruiz
Talent: Nick Sagar
Groomer: Autumn Moultrie
Video: Angelina Arena
Tearsheets: Daniel López, Graphic Design, PhotoBook Magazine
Interview: Destina Marotta, Contributor, PhotoBook Magazine