Eat Your Way To Radiance

When we speak about beauty starting from within it also pertains to what you choose to put into your body. Draw yourself a mental food pyramid and imagine each section is filled with wholesome foods that contain essential nutrients for good gut health and radiant skin. From bottom to top you have — vegetables, fruits, wholegrains & legumes and nuts, oils & lean protein all in which contain skin-supportive nutrients for glowing skin. What you eat has a direct impact on the health and appearance of your skin, influencing the glow and vitality in several ways — nutrient intake, hydration, omega fatty acids, protein and amino acids, gut health and inflammation control.  Making mindful decisions and focusing on dietary consumption of nutrient dense foods for better inner beauty is a key factor in achieving your true radiance. 

Yes, it is true you are what you eat. More studies are showing a direct gut to skin connection, in a recent article for Brydie gut health expert and founder of The Beauty Chef Carla Oates explains skin symptoms to look out for that are connected to an unbalanced gut, “The skin is a great barometer of what is going on inside the body. If your skin is irritated, inflamed or congested, chances are high that there may be an imbalance in your gut" (Amy Lawrenson, Brydie 2024). The gut and skin have created their own dialogue via a “skin axis” through this link the gut, which makes nutrients, metabolizes hormones and detoxifies enzymes and then sends a message to the skin based upon what is happening within the gut system itself. 

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In order to unlock a natural glow you must feed your skin with essential foods to support good gut health, impeccable radiance and turn back your external clock. As you scan the grocery store aisles for foods to add to your cart there are a handful of nutritious food groups (like the ones in your food pyramid) to add to your diet that will feed your gut microbiome. We call these “Super Foods” perhaps the name is upheld by the power they hold once they enter our body, here are some of the most impactful foods to eat your way to radiance: Avocados, Fatty Fish, Chia seeds, Eggs Whites, Cinnamon, Citrus Fruits, Sweet Potatoes, Ginger, Bell Peppers, Spinach, Carrots and Turmeric. The list is endless of vibrant foods to enhance your skin's complexion and each one plays a part for different skin conditions — whether it is acne, dry or oily skin and even eczema.

The American diet is no stranger to processed foods and the over-consumption of it has played a part in the colonization of your gut health whether you realize it or not. The two mighty soldiers that are best suited for repairing broken gut microbiomes are Prebiotics and Probitiocs. Research has shown that the consumption of healthy bacteria can modulate the gut microbiota and replace the bacteria that is currently in your gut. In a recent article Dermatology Times discusses how prebiotics and probiotics play a part in the gut to skin axis, “Live beneficial bacteria make up the definition of probiotics and are known to improve digestive health. The primary purpose is to "replace" the good bacteria in the gut that a variety of factors, such as oral antibiotics, stress, and inflammation, can deplete” (Renata Block, Dermatology Times 2023). Block also speaks about the benefits of adding prebiotics to your diet, “The fermentation process in the gut is an important step and prebiotics act as a primary carbon source of this metabolic process and the growth of beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli(Renata Block, Dermatology Times 2023). Foods with prebiotics include: Banana, Honey, Asparagus, Garlic, Beans, Seaweed and Onion. Foods with probiotics include: Yogurt, Sourdough Bread, Miso, Kombucha, Kimchi and pickles.

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Transforming your skin from dull to an ultimate glow doesn’t have to be boring, there are delicious ways to enjoy radiant enhancing rich foods in your everyday diet. The next time a crater you think is the size of Pluto pops up on your face or your skin looks worn out, don’t panic, identify the problem and then find a nutrient dense solution that sometimes a topical treatment can’t always fix.

Article by Leah Williams, Contributor, PhotoBook Magazine
Tearsheets by Daniel López, Art Director, PhotoBook Magazine