LION BABE, Coming Out with a 4th Album, Treat Me Like Fire

With her lionesque tresses, zen energy, and bold stage presence, Jillian Hervey—also known as LION BABE—is the ultimate embodiment of “aura,” or what the kids are calling bravado these days. As the frontwoman of the musical duo LION BABE, alongside partner Lucas Goodman, Hervey’s powerhouse vocals are central to iconic hits like “Treat Me Like Fire,” which defined much of the 2012 musical landscape. Their forthcoming album, House of LION BABE, is slated for release this September, followed by an eagerly anticipated European tour that kicks off in Brooklyn and spans cities from London to Berlin.

“Deelite, Crystal Waters, and a little disco of course” says Hervey, referencing the musical influences for their new album. Newly released singles like “Something Magic” highlight a clear evolution in sound, with bouncy beats and an overall “lightness” that compels listeners to feel good and move. Hervey’s background in dance, honed at The New School in New York City, infuses LION BABE’s signature vibe with a rhythmic and dynamic quality that is palpably felt in their live performances.

Hervey is no newbie when it comes to navigating the entertainment industry. Born into an ultra-talented household with her mother, actress-singer Vanessa Williams, she has nonetheless carved her own musical path. LION BABE’s breakout single garnered major label recognition, leading to collaborations with renowned artists like Pharrell and Mark Ronson. With Vanessa Williams’ latest single, “BOP!,” fans are treated to a unique collaboration that merges worlds, featuring both LION BABE and Trixie Mattel.

In a “No frills'' shoot with PhotoBook, Hervey’s authenticity shines through, transcending songwriting as she embraces her most natural self and body. After working with industry greats, performing at notable festivals, headlining brand campaigns, and embracing motherhood, we’re left wondering: what can’t she do?

Starting with your ultra-popular debut single, “Treat Me Like Fire,” how was the journey leading up to that breakthrough moment? Many artists talk about their 'overnight success' actually being years in the making. What did that process look like for you?
Treat Me Like Fire was the first song that Lucas and I ever made together so it will also remain the blueprint of our journey. We were lucky to have been connected by a dear friend, and we started out spending time together and bonded through music, so making some was the next step. It will forever be just a moment of divine timing for us to have the opportunity to embrace the path as artists together. But we were young and excited to be creating. We definitely entered into it all with a lot of energy and enthusiasm around us but the lessons of how to be “successful” and impactful are themes we are still learning to this day.

Since your debut album, Begin, how has your sound evolved? Are there any new musical influences that have shaped your upcoming album House of LION BABE?
It is inevitable that we would evolve, but mainly I think our sound is always a response to our environment at the time. Begin was our first attempt at making a body of work, we were freshman in the industry working with veterans, and doing most things for the first time. We were learning so much about the whole world of music, with our heads down and now having 3 albums on the verge of four we have the experience to visualize the whole world of an album. The House of LION BABE is our nod to House music and channels the big Diva House records that shaped our childhood. Deelite, Crystal Waters, and a little disco of course. We also have been DJing a lot and aiming to shape a soundscape that goes with live music so all of those things informed this album. Our last project Rainbow Child was much more introspective and usually once we are done with something we like to go in a completely different direction.

You’re in your ‘positive vibration’ era these days, with a focus on radiant energy and affirmations. What inspired this new chapter?
My joy is intentional these days to counteract all of the woes of the world, but in addition to that, being a mother and building a family has been at the forefront of my mind. I want that part of my life to be wrapped in love, so it ends up being what is on my mind when writing. Plus dance music elevates you, so the lightness makes sense.

The best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Stay hydrated and always embrace flowing with life instead of trying to control it.

The other half of LION BABE, Lucas Goodman, is also your life partner. What is it like navigating the music industry with your significant other?
It is the only way I know, we have been together since the start and having a collaborator through it all makes the whole experience worthwhile. We do naturally compliment each other when it comes to music as well but finding a “balance” between our time and LB is forever the challenge. Luckily music is one of our love languages so it fuels us.

What has been the toughest part of your journey so far? Is there a memorable moment that significantly impacted you as an artist?
There are always tough moments which are part of the job, often more as an independent artist, but the times that you aren’t able to really seize a moment due to some circumstance or your lack of preparedness or xyz can feel so defeating. But you keep going. We have had so many profound memories, but we were both forever changed by our time with Pharrell. His wisdom, perspective and advice was really formative at the time. Having a certain mindset about it all I think personally can alter your trajectory significantly.

What was the inspiration for the cover image of PhotoBook?
I have been a fan of Mike for many years so we knew something would line up eventually. The moment was there and we took full advantage. No frills, just me.

After your debut single, you were quickly signed to Interscope Records, and now you are independent. What are your thoughts on being indie versus with a label?
Both have their pros and cons but at the end of the day we like to have agency and control over our music and vision. Doing that requires more roles to take on but it is worth it to us. But being signed definitely got our foot in the door and allowed us to access a whole new level of artists and creatives in the industry.

You’re known for your bold on-stage presence, fierce hair, and personal style. Which fashion brands are you loving currently?
I am a vintage girl at heart, but I always find something at Trash and Vaudeville for stage, life and whenever. I am forever a fan of Vivienne Westwood and I do think I am a perfect fit for Marc Jacobs.

Your newest single drops this weekend—what can you tell us about it?
We have been releasing singles off of our album House of LION BABE all summer long and of course we now have BOP! to add to the fun! BOP! And Freekish are both house bangers meant to get everyone moving and smiling. The whole album is available on right now, if you can’t wait for the full thing.

What songs are you playing on repeat right now?
Currently our House of LION BABE album. We are gearing up for our European Tour in the fall so I am just looping them during rehearsal making sure all of my raps are sounding squeaky clean. Besides that, it’s mostly ABC’s and the soundtrack of Moana thanks to our little guy Sunny.

You've mentioned that your recent single “In My Bag” is “for the mamas” and celebrates feeling good in your postpartum body. How do you manage the balance between motherhood and your career as a renowned singer? Do you have any advice for women who are contemplating launching their music careers later in life while also desiring to start a family?
Like all Mom’s I manage because that is the only choice I have. I just try to make sure I can stay present and give my all to whatever I am focused on at a given time. I think postpartum forced my inner insecurities out about my body that I dealt with as a teen, but this time I had the grace to let the feelings pass. Our bodies are incredible and all forms have divine value. My advice to women contemplating is that on the other side of that fear or hesitation is a challenge for sure, but the love and beauty of it all is unmatched.

After collaborating with greats like Childish Gambino, Pharrell, Busta Rhymes, and Mark Ronson, is there anyone new you’d love to collaborate with? Or someone you’d like to work with again?
Honestly, I would love to work with all of Pharrell and Mark again, they were literally our first sessions ever so revisiting them with some more experience would be awesome. But there are so many talents around I am always open.

How was it collaborating with your mom? Is it a different dynamic than collaborating with other artists?
It’s been a gift being able to have this moment with my Mom. It also was definitely a different process because the song was first intended to be a remix, so we were only focused on adding our vibe to the record. After she heard it, she fell in love with our edit and it soon became the official version. I love that we are having this moment together artist to artist. There is obviously so much trust and respect for each other as well, so we could really move mountains pulling it together fast because we both knew when to lean into each other.

What’s a hobby or talent you have that might surprise your fans?
I have been known to throw down in the kitchen and I also have a natural ability to see/spot animals around me. My Mom can confirm that as well.

You’re born and bred in NewYork—what are some of your favorite places and establishments?
I was actually born in LA, but I grew up in New York from 3 years old on. Just like in BOP! I do love a spiritual store, I am always looking for inspiration and some charged candles, Enchantments in the East Village is great. We always have fun shows and experiences as Elsewhere is Bushwick which is by our studio, and for some grub Malatesta in the West Village is my all time favorite. Many fond memories there.

PhotoBook Editor-In-Chief: Alison Hernon
PhotoBook Creative Director + Photographer: Mike Ruiz
Hair: Bibb Joel Dickey iii
Makeup: Deney Adam
Tearsheets by Daniel López, Art Director, PhotoBook Magazine
Interview by Romi Bachar, Contributor, PhotoBook Magazine